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Tuesday, November 29, 2011


What are the values of the major world religions?
If you are wondering if I agree on this question and I do agree so here are some examples that is for my question . It would be good to cherish anybody's life because people believe in how if you cherish somebody life you could mean you could also cherish your life too. Also people could do good deeds to other people because if you do something good to another person something good could happen to you or your family or both, because in some religions they would call it good karma means you do something good to somebody else something good can happen but if you do something bad it would be bad karma means you did something to hurt someone else in a way that made you get bad karma so I would do something good for every so you can get good karma for the rest of you life, That is what some people believe in and some other people don't and that is fine too. Also follow your religions because if you follow your religions that would mean that you would do everything that is required you can be blessed with something good and you would do everything that you need to keep you religions good and make sure that you believe in what every kind or religion you have and how would take care of it and what you would do and I always think that different kinds of religions are cool because they are unique in so different ways. It is only good to believe in your kind of religions and other peoples ones too because so you can respect their too and they can respect yours in the same way. Treat people how you wanted to be treated. If you treat people how they wanted to be treated they can do the same thing back to you and it is good to treat people how they want to be treated in their religions and you don't want to make fun of their religions because it is not very nice and if you treat them and they could treat you back in a nice way too and they can treat your religion in the way that they would like them to treat their religion with not making fun of who they are and how they respect their gods and how they do it. So always respect the persons believes and they will respect yours.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

This I believe

Why did it appeal to you?
This dialogue appeal to me because it was about a collage girl that wrote a essay about what she believe in and what was her opinion and how she believes in it. It brought me on because first she had good descriptive story and it was talking about her life and how she was living it. I did like how she was very believe person and I like how she was very loving to the environment and the Earth too. Also it was a little sad because two days after she turned it in she was kidnapped and killed but was was happy when she was gone because she knew that she made a difference to the world and she hopes that people are listening and that is why she made a dialogue. She knew that she would like her professor to read her story to the world so that is how she made a dialogue about her and her story that he was so proud of. That is what was a little sad but she died of happiness and she believe that the world would hear her story and how she made a difference and told what she believe in. That was the dialogue that caught my attention and I hope when I am in collage like she was I would make a difference to show people how I feel and what I believe in just like she did.

Mine Domi Know

For your next blog post please respond to the following questions regarding the Learning Profile completed in class this week!

I learn best when
I am in a group because we can talk about what we had to do, Also I can work good in a group because it is easy for me to understand what we have to do and I think that my brain works better when I am with a partner or a group. That is when I learn best when I do work or a project too.

I need to

I would need to pay attention in class more and I also need to ask questions more often. But I think that I need to listen more if I have a questions I should listen before I ask just because if my questions is answer already. But I think that I am doing OK in class.

The strategies that would help me in my learning
I don't really know what would be my strategies I would have because I listen to the teacher and I just do my work and I kind of guess what to do and how I should do it but I would not count that as my strategies. But I am if I did have one I would think that help me in my learning but that is a different time all at once.

I would like my teachers to know this about me
I would like my teachers to know that I work better in a group and I can listen better if I have something in my hand because for some odd resaon that I can listen and fiddle with something it if weird but I can do that so please don't tell me to put what ever is in my hand it would be a hard thing for me to listen to my teacher and I like to ask questions a lot and sometimes I do that a lot and the questions was already answer for me I forget sometimes that I got to listen more and that would be all you need to know about me and I hope I have a good year and do a good job about listening and doing work and homework too. SO GOOD LUCK TO ME FOR THIS NEW YEAR AND IT IS GOING TO BE GREAT!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


King Aegeus wanted to remember he wanted a child also he wanted a baby boy. His first wife died and second wife could not have children. He met Medea the sorceress, married her and finally had a son Theseus.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Classic Greek Myths

Which story did you enjoy the most? Why?
The story I enjoy the most is the Daedalus and Icarus, we saw was good and sad at the same time. I enjoy Daedalus and Icarus,because it told me a lot of info about when the father told his son when they were flying with the wings the father collected and made wings out of them for both of then. The father said to his son to stay close and never go to high and never go to low because if you go to high the sun will melt the wax from the wings because with wings we connected with wax. If you go to low the ocean breeze will lower you so you can drown because your wings are light and the breeze is strong so that will lower you to the ocean. That is why the father told the son to stay close and never go high to the sun and low to the ocean.

Was it the characters or the story that you enjoyed?
It was the story that I enjoy because it was very interesting to me because when the old Greek was like the narrator for the hole movie. It was good movie because it tells me that what happen to the nephew and the son when they died and I was a little sad when the son died but when the nephew died it was just an accident about his nephew's death. So I only like the movie is the dog because he was talking and you don't see that very offend that is what I liked about the movie.

In thinking of the themes in these stories, what do they have in common?
All of the movies that we saw was only two movies that we saw and they all have in common is that they all relate of myth Greek stores and they were very interesting movies. I think that is they have in common.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Bio Poem

Bio Poem

Introduce yourself through a Bio-poem. Follow the form of the sample Bio-poem below. Remember: your Bio-poem can be whatever length you want it to be. It doesn't have to be thirteen lines long, and you don't have to include exactly three ideas in any of the lines. The form is a simple guideline. Make sure that you use words that are descriptive, colorful and lively! It should be YOUR creative expression about YOU.
Suggested Bio-Poem Form

1. Your first name
: Tatyana
2: Who is..(Descriptive words that describe you): Fun, short, sportive, helpful, easy to make friends.
3: Who is brother or sister of...
: have so brothers and sisters.
4: Who loves...(three ideas or people)
: Love my mom, and my dad, my cat Selina.
5: Who feels...(three ideas )
: volleyball, swimming, Art.
6: Who needs...(three ideas) family and friends, IPhone 3g, jet air plane.

7: Who gives...(three ideas)
 love to their family and money to the poor, free ice cream to people.
8: Who fears...(three ideas)
 Not turning in homework in time, have a big pimple on my nose, Lots of zits on my face.
9: Who would like to see...
 my grandma and my favorite Aunt Dianne, my friends.
10: Who shares...
 love secretes and love with My Aunt and worried about school life.
11: Who is... about to be 13 years old, Friends with all kinds of people. 

12: Who is a resident of...
 Houston Texas
13: Your last name Evans

Example Bio-Poem
Allison Nicole
Creative, intelligent, fun, responsible, self-disciplined, and enthusiastic
Sister of Meghan Darby, Melinda, Chris and Harrison
Loves to create art, make up plays and commercials, ride Daddy's Harley, and run track
Who needs the telephone, her hair brush, macaroni and cheese, her friends and family
Who gives her grandparents much joy, her father and mother much pride; brother and sister love
Who feels joy with her friends, creating art work, running, watching movies and eating
Who fears going from one room to another, not doing well on tests, zits and coming in last
Who would like to own a Harley, win the 880, see her room neat and tidy, win the lottery
Who shares her secrets, her worries, and her love with her parents
Who is an honor roll student, a typical 13-year old, a friend to Amber, Melissa and Christy
Who is a resident of Jacksonville, Florida

Saturday, May 28, 2011

This is my video for Hum class and we had got 15 pic of gods and make a movie trailer out of is so this is what I made.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

End of the Year!

In the words of Homer Simpson " The end is near". After 164 days of freedom, choice, stress and homework we've all made it to last 3 weeks of grade 6.
So many memories,the first year of grade 6; locks & lockers~ panic and frustration, spirit week, Malaysia Week, assessment , grades, bake sales, Ancient Egyptian diaries, team celebrations and more!

The grade 7 teachers can't wait to meet you all in August, so to help them to get to know you, they have asked that you reflect on the year; both academically and work habits, as well as set some goals for grade 7. Remember your blog from grade 6 will move with you to grade 7, in a way it also becomes a mini portfolio of you as a learner. And even if you're leaving ISKL, this digital memory will travel with you forever.

In a well structured blog post, take the time to reflect on the following (
Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as you can.)

1. What piece of work and learning are you most proud? Explain.
One of the work that I have done and I think I am most proud of and that I think that I learn well will be my lit circles because we were in groups and we had to read the book and write about what the book is all about. That helps us know when we are reading we also learning what is going on in the story. So I think I am most proud of that because I think I work hard by learning and reading so I can be a better reader. Plus we did lots of lit circles because we did them for different books so we should know how to do all of these kinds of lit circles.

2. What were your greatest challenges? Explain.
Well I think that one of the greatest challenges is for me will be the lit circles because when we were reading the book I was not so well by understand the book that I have been reading. When we had to write full paragraphs I was not so good at that I was writing full pargraphs because in the start when we were started the lit circles and I would write 2 or 3 sentences because I would not really know what is going on in the book. So I think that the lit circles are one of the challenges work that I might have to think hard so I learned how to write full paragraphs so that is why I am good at writing.

3. Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner?
Well I think that when we are learning new things in class I think that I did a good job by learning how to do things the right way so I learn how to do hard things but they may be hard but I still work hard on things that I may be not good at hard work but I never give up on the work that I am doing. So I think that is what I learn about me as a learner so there are different ways for em to learn what I will be working on for the whole year.

4. To evaluate your work habits, choose 1 of the following from each category ( and provide explanations):

a) Behavior

Could be improved
By not talking as much and when I talk a lot I would miss out something important and I would be asking questions what I should do what kind of work I should learn how to do. Also I could work on is not bossing people around because when they are not doing there work I get mead because they are not doing there work so I have to tell them what to do and my teacher dose not like when I tell my friends what to do when I am in a group. When I am not even in a group I still tell them to do there work sometimes I even don't get my work done either. So I think that is 2 things that my behavior that I could improve in till the end of the year is over.

When I am doing my work I am doing good sometimes but some of the work that I do can be a little bit hard but that is why my teacher helps me finish my work. So that is why I think I am a little not very stable on doing some work that can be a little hard for me that maybe that I don't understand very well that is why I have help form my teacher. I think that is what my satisfactory is.

5. Based upon your reflections, write two personal learning goals for Grade 7 next year.
The first one that I learning for my goal is remember to turn in my homework because in 6 grade I forget sometimes to turn in my work for Hum class. So I got to work in my homework for 7 grade because if I don't I could not get a good grade because in 7 grade the work will be harder and I will sometimes forget to turn in the homework that is why I need that for one of my goals. The other goal for 7 grade is taking more notes for tests so I can get a good grade on that. So I would need to do is leson and make sure when I take notes I need to study them hard so I can do well on a test. So I think that is one of the other goals I could work on.

6.Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know?
Well in class I do talk a lot and I think that I would like to tell you so you know and you would not need to tell me to be quite and I should know that already. That could be one of the things that my teacher could know about me when I am in 7 grade. Another one could be that I might need some help on my work so maybe I think that my teacher could help me on that so I am not too confuse on what I need to help on.

7. What was your favorite activity lesson in Humanities this year?
My Favorite activity lesson is work on things with a group because I think that I work better with a group or a partner so we both can hear each other ideas and we can figer out what would be the answer so that would be a good lesson for me is so I can work with other people and I would understand better.

What did you enjoy about it? I enjoy about it is that I have fun learning with other people listening to what they say so we both get to shear our ideas and we will both be happy learning what others say about what we are leaning about.

8. What activity do you wish we could have spent more time on? I think we could be working on longer would be lit circles because when we share out ideas with the group we are telling each other what has been happening on in the book. So I like to spend more on that because it gives me a chance to tell better what I have read and write better and not make it confusing so I could make it less confusing for the rest of the group so they understand better what I am trying to tell them.

9. Finally, cast your minds back to the first few months of middle school (when you arrived in Grade 6 ) what "Words of Wisdom" or "Advice" could you pass on to the Class of 2018?
One of them is when you are stuck on something make sure that you can always relies on you teacher because he or she will always be their for lunch and even after school so you can ask them to help you to understand the homework our the work that you did when you don't understand they will be their to help you. So when you are stuck don't freak out your teachers are their to help you that is why they sing up for this job so they can help other students for help when they need it.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Last White Mountains

You have now become Will , you are triumphant and have reached the White Mountains. You decide to write a letter to your family and the citizens of Wherton telling them about your journey.

• Explain what you now understand that convinced you to leave to leave Wherton.
• What you have learned about society and life, the importance of freedom and choice.

Dear Family and Friends,

Hey, it is Will and if you are wondering about me I am okay and safe. How are all of you doing? I hope you are well. I bet you are wondering a few things about where I am and what I am doing. I would like to tell you about my long journey and where I went. I can't tell you exactly where I am in case this letter falls into the wrong hands. What I can tell you is that the place I headed and am right now is safe and people are free.

The goal when I left Wherton was to escape to an area that was free from Tripods. The reason to leave was because I didn't want to end up like Jack. I was afraid of loosing myself. Jack had changed and was no longer fun to be around. It scared me to see him like that. I also met a man who told me about others who were free from the tripods and not capped. This was what I wanted. That is why I left you. I miss you all very much and hope one day you can join me.

Having minds of our own, Some of the things that I have learned is, when you are capped someone that is taking control of you and you have no way to stop it from control. That is why Will dose not want to be capped because Will dose not want someone to control him. Like if Will makes a mistake Will dose not want someone to fix those mistake he wants to fix his own mistake so that is why it is called " Having a mind of our own".

being able to make choices, Will would like to make to choice his own choices like he wants to be free from his family and he dose not like when someone choice his own choices and fix what he dose wrong.

being free, Will would love to be free from the tripods and not to be capped. Also he would like to be free from he own family from choice what he is going to do with his life and Will dose not want people to control him.

trust, Will would like to trust him friends and his family. Plus when he is gone on his trip he met Beanpole to she if he is a good guy and he can trust him with Wills life. That is why Will can not just trust anybody.

companionship, When Will and Henry and Beanpole are all going to the White Mountains Will thinks that the friends that he has met he thinks the friends that Will has made they have good friendship.

friends, The friends that Will has made he thinks he can trust them and he thinks that Will has a good friendship with Henry and Beanpole.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

White Mountains 3

1. How were the Tripods able to control the people?

The tripods would grab you and put you in said then and have a metal control cap on you and it would be called that they would be capping you be just brain wash your brain and you will never see you family and Earth every again. It is not so easy if you want to be capped or not because if you want to be capped because your life is not going well with their life. But not every one would like to be capped because they don't want their life to be over when they are having so much fun with life. So the tripods don't have an easy life want to capped people.

2. Find evidence (quotations from the novel) to show that even though Will is comfortable living at the castle, he is frustrated that the Comte, Comtesse, and Eloise have been capped.

Well Will is not so happy that his friends had been capped but he his a little happy because he get to live in the castle but he is a little frustrated too that his friends are capped and he dose not know what to do and how should he fix the problem. Will has a very hard life because he has to worry that if he wants to be capped or not. Also Will is frustrated because of his friends that been capped and trying to save the world and stop the tripods too. Will dose have a very hard life and has a big responsible.

3. Find evidence (quotes) to show how Will feels about being capped.

Well Will dose not really know what to fell to be capped and he dose not now what to do and Will is kind of confuse what he should. Will has a big life and very hard to. Will has a hard dishing if he wants to be capped or not because he has lots of questions if he might miss his family and am I making a good though or not. Will is so not sure what he wants to do with his life and if he dose something wrong like getting capped and he did a big mistake and he want to do something with his own and not let some one chose for him that his the big question that Will is asking him self and why should he chose what he is choosing lots of questions that Will is asking him. Will is so confuse what he should do.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

White Mountains post 2

When Will and Henry went on their little journey they got lost in the jungle. When they meet Beanpole they were very happy because he knew the way and they wouldn't get lost. Beanpole also knew the good hiding places and where to get food. Will was so happy to see Beanpole and Henry so they could continue on their trip. Will, Henry and Beanpole would walk around and go places they have never been too so they spent days walking around with no food and water. When they were at a rest place Beanpole would always tell the boys all kinds of story's and other things that happened to him. Beanpole would always think of himself as a leader and hopes that the boys think he is a good leader. Hopefully Will and Henry can trust Beanpole with their lives and the adventures they go on that is not wild .

Monday, March 7, 2011

White Mountains

We have somethings in common like we both like to touch our father watch and play with things and also put things down and forget them in a place and when we get home tell our parents that I forgot and they don't know what to do because the item might be gone by the time we get their and we have no clue were it is. We both have some one that is very special in our life and they left something very improvement and we can not touch it because we both break things very easy that the item that our grandfather left us and if we touch it may be a thousand years old. We both can talk a lot and never stop talk we could talk for on and on just like I am doing right now just going on and on about what me and Will have in common.

Here is some things that me and Will don't have in common like we are not the same age and we both don't like the same things and we also don't have the same personality with to do of our life and if we do like the same things that would be weird and we could be twins if we like the same thins but we don't. We both done total different things like we both don't have the same actions how we express our felling and how we react to things is total different betwen me and Will. We also do different thing and their is not much that this story is bass on my life mostly Will life that is why they made they bass on Will and how he lived his life in the fast and slow lain. The main idea of why me and Will don't have much in common is because he dose not really have a wild life like my life is wild not so much of Will's life.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I- Movie Presentation

Here is a link for all the people I graded I hope the people I have graded their i movie they like what I have gave them.

Monday, February 7, 2011

This is my imovie of my pharaoh Hatshepsut she was the Queen of Egypt hope you love my imovie. :)

Tatyana's City Connections Reflection

1. I think I did well on researching the information about Houston on the Internet and getting pictures about it's early history that I did not know very well.

The information told me a lot about Houston that I was able to put onto slides so the students in class would learn about my city. I did not know that Houston has a lot of oil and is the center in Texas where all the oil is made into useful products that we use everyday. One example of this is the gas we put into our cars. The place they do this is called a refinery. I also did not know that General Sam Houston accepts surrender form General Santa Ana at San Jacinto giving Texas Independence.

2. My bullet points were quite long and I should have done shorter bullet points to make it shorter. I could also have improved by having more sources of where I got all my information and pictures. I should have also have wrote down an introduction so the class could get a little idea about Houston before I started the power point. During my power point I did not have to read off the paper. I could have practiced more and not mumbled so much.

3. I learned that Houston is a much lager city than I thought it was. I also did not know that their were so many people in Houston and their was a big population of girls and boys. In Houston the population is 2,257,926 people. The Median age: 30.9 years and the Texas median age is 32.3 years. That may change in a few years. Farming is also important and as the population increases in the country they will need to continue to farm. Farming may get easier as the machinery gets better and more advanced. Oil and gas will continue to be the bread and butter of the Houston area at least for the near future.

4 I worked pretty hard an I did a pretty good job. I think I could always do better but over all I am pleased with my work. I hope the students in class enjoyed it as much as I did. One day I hope I could go back to Houston and see how much it has change and what has improved on all the buildings they have been working on for a long time. I could see all my friends and see how much they have change since I have seen them. I would also want to know if I would be moving back soon that would be so much fun because I would got to see all my friends and family and get to do lots that I have not done for a long time.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Learning Profile

I learn best is when my teacher writes down what I have to do. But I can't get what to do when the teacher talks about what we have to do my brain can't get all the info into my head because I don't get all of it when someone is talking because that is how my brain was made I could only get info and understand it when the teacher shows me and writes it down.

I need to understand what to do when I have a task to do but it is hard to get me to understand what we have to do. When the class is given something to do and the teacher says "If you don't finish your work and turn it in by the time class is over it will be home work" and I get very stress when I hear that my brain will shut down and I am really worried about that. So I have  to understand that when the teacher says " We have 2 days to work on it" i Don't get all of what the teacher says so I ask him when it is due and when I hear it's due in 2 days I am good. So I have time to work on it and it won't be due the next day and that is when I start to worried a lot.

The strategies that would help me in my learning is if the teacher shows it to the whole class he would always tell me you should always try first and then when you are done you can come to me and I will help you on what ever you need help with. So I would try and I would tell my teacher that I can't do it then when he says try and I do and I finish all my work. The strategies for me is my teachers telling me that I can do it even when I say that I can't do and they would enplane it very well in a way that I would understand what I have to do. So the strategies of this whole thing is my teachers they help me a lot when I need it most.

I would like my teachers to know this about me is that I tend to daydream a lot and sometimes my teachers will have to say the same thing over again and they should know that I can give up and not believe that I can't do my work and I will try but I can give up and ask for help a lot. They would always tell me to try again and if I still can't do it they would always try to enplane it to me in the way that I would understand what to do so they won't give me the answer they let me try to do the work all by my self so I don't have to ask of help a lot. I tend to ask for more help then I should it's good to have a little help from people but not too much.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2011 Blog Post

My New Year Resolution

My first resolution is I would like to get fit. I would like to exercise more because I have not went to the gym in a long time. If I got to the gym a little more I would not have this problem so When I wake up I will go to the gym upstairs to the gym in my apartment and start the work out more. I will live my parents a note that I went upstairs to work out so they know were I am. When I am up in the morning I should take my vitamin every day and start to drink healthy drinks in the morning. When I am going out to eat dinner I should choose something healthy and not junk food and have lots of vegetables, fruit and lots of milk for strong bones.

My second resolution is to help others. When their is a new kid in the school and they do not know were they are and they don't know where there class are I would like to help show were they are. When the new kid comes to their class and someone should be their to welcome them to the class and tell them what is going on in their class. The student may come in the middle of the semester and they have no clue what to do. This why you should help the new students so they won't get lost and be late for his or her classes.

My Christmas snapshots

One day in Houston it was Christmas day and I woke up and saw that my stocking was full of present and all my cousins stoking was full of present too.
I was itching to open the presents but I had to wait to open them because all of us had to be there to open them with me. Once we were all up we ran to our presents and stared to open them but our parents had to get the camera out and had to film all of us open our presents. Once we were all ready to open them I got a t-shirt, a cool pen, once I got the last present was my IPad and I was screaming so loud that all of my cousins were closing their ears. Once I got my IPad I opened it so fast I plug it into my computer and I had to wait till it charges and my cousins got things too that I do not remember what they got.

Helping around the house

When I was at my grandmas house me and my parents were helping her clean my grandpas 2 garage because the whole garage was a mess and my grandma could not clean all of the things that are in the garage by her self. When we were their we spent all the time in Houston cleaning my grandpas garage but we did not clean the garage on Christmas time. I have been helping my grandma in the house and outside the house too and at night when my grandma is filling sad I would sleep in her bed with her even if she is not filling sad I would still sleep in he bed. When we had to go to the airport to go back to KL and I was missing my grandma already.