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Sunday, May 22, 2011

End of the Year!

In the words of Homer Simpson " The end is near". After 164 days of freedom, choice, stress and homework we've all made it to last 3 weeks of grade 6.
So many memories,the first year of grade 6; locks & lockers~ panic and frustration, spirit week, Malaysia Week, assessment , grades, bake sales, Ancient Egyptian diaries, team celebrations and more!

The grade 7 teachers can't wait to meet you all in August, so to help them to get to know you, they have asked that you reflect on the year; both academically and work habits, as well as set some goals for grade 7. Remember your blog from grade 6 will move with you to grade 7, in a way it also becomes a mini portfolio of you as a learner. And even if you're leaving ISKL, this digital memory will travel with you forever.

In a well structured blog post, take the time to reflect on the following (
Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as you can.)

1. What piece of work and learning are you most proud? Explain.
One of the work that I have done and I think I am most proud of and that I think that I learn well will be my lit circles because we were in groups and we had to read the book and write about what the book is all about. That helps us know when we are reading we also learning what is going on in the story. So I think I am most proud of that because I think I work hard by learning and reading so I can be a better reader. Plus we did lots of lit circles because we did them for different books so we should know how to do all of these kinds of lit circles.

2. What were your greatest challenges? Explain.
Well I think that one of the greatest challenges is for me will be the lit circles because when we were reading the book I was not so well by understand the book that I have been reading. When we had to write full paragraphs I was not so good at that I was writing full pargraphs because in the start when we were started the lit circles and I would write 2 or 3 sentences because I would not really know what is going on in the book. So I think that the lit circles are one of the challenges work that I might have to think hard so I learned how to write full paragraphs so that is why I am good at writing.

3. Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner?
Well I think that when we are learning new things in class I think that I did a good job by learning how to do things the right way so I learn how to do hard things but they may be hard but I still work hard on things that I may be not good at hard work but I never give up on the work that I am doing. So I think that is what I learn about me as a learner so there are different ways for em to learn what I will be working on for the whole year.

4. To evaluate your work habits, choose 1 of the following from each category ( and provide explanations):

a) Behavior

Could be improved
By not talking as much and when I talk a lot I would miss out something important and I would be asking questions what I should do what kind of work I should learn how to do. Also I could work on is not bossing people around because when they are not doing there work I get mead because they are not doing there work so I have to tell them what to do and my teacher dose not like when I tell my friends what to do when I am in a group. When I am not even in a group I still tell them to do there work sometimes I even don't get my work done either. So I think that is 2 things that my behavior that I could improve in till the end of the year is over.

When I am doing my work I am doing good sometimes but some of the work that I do can be a little bit hard but that is why my teacher helps me finish my work. So that is why I think I am a little not very stable on doing some work that can be a little hard for me that maybe that I don't understand very well that is why I have help form my teacher. I think that is what my satisfactory is.

5. Based upon your reflections, write two personal learning goals for Grade 7 next year.
The first one that I learning for my goal is remember to turn in my homework because in 6 grade I forget sometimes to turn in my work for Hum class. So I got to work in my homework for 7 grade because if I don't I could not get a good grade because in 7 grade the work will be harder and I will sometimes forget to turn in the homework that is why I need that for one of my goals. The other goal for 7 grade is taking more notes for tests so I can get a good grade on that. So I would need to do is leson and make sure when I take notes I need to study them hard so I can do well on a test. So I think that is one of the other goals I could work on.

6.Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know?
Well in class I do talk a lot and I think that I would like to tell you so you know and you would not need to tell me to be quite and I should know that already. That could be one of the things that my teacher could know about me when I am in 7 grade. Another one could be that I might need some help on my work so maybe I think that my teacher could help me on that so I am not too confuse on what I need to help on.

7. What was your favorite activity lesson in Humanities this year?
My Favorite activity lesson is work on things with a group because I think that I work better with a group or a partner so we both can hear each other ideas and we can figer out what would be the answer so that would be a good lesson for me is so I can work with other people and I would understand better.

What did you enjoy about it? I enjoy about it is that I have fun learning with other people listening to what they say so we both get to shear our ideas and we will both be happy learning what others say about what we are leaning about.

8. What activity do you wish we could have spent more time on? I think we could be working on longer would be lit circles because when we share out ideas with the group we are telling each other what has been happening on in the book. So I like to spend more on that because it gives me a chance to tell better what I have read and write better and not make it confusing so I could make it less confusing for the rest of the group so they understand better what I am trying to tell them.

9. Finally, cast your minds back to the first few months of middle school (when you arrived in Grade 6 ) what "Words of Wisdom" or "Advice" could you pass on to the Class of 2018?
One of them is when you are stuck on something make sure that you can always relies on you teacher because he or she will always be their for lunch and even after school so you can ask them to help you to understand the homework our the work that you did when you don't understand they will be their to help you. So when you are stuck don't freak out your teachers are their to help you that is why they sing up for this job so they can help other students for help when they need it.

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