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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Last White Mountains

You have now become Will , you are triumphant and have reached the White Mountains. You decide to write a letter to your family and the citizens of Wherton telling them about your journey.

• Explain what you now understand that convinced you to leave to leave Wherton.
• What you have learned about society and life, the importance of freedom and choice.

Dear Family and Friends,

Hey, it is Will and if you are wondering about me I am okay and safe. How are all of you doing? I hope you are well. I bet you are wondering a few things about where I am and what I am doing. I would like to tell you about my long journey and where I went. I can't tell you exactly where I am in case this letter falls into the wrong hands. What I can tell you is that the place I headed and am right now is safe and people are free.

The goal when I left Wherton was to escape to an area that was free from Tripods. The reason to leave was because I didn't want to end up like Jack. I was afraid of loosing myself. Jack had changed and was no longer fun to be around. It scared me to see him like that. I also met a man who told me about others who were free from the tripods and not capped. This was what I wanted. That is why I left you. I miss you all very much and hope one day you can join me.

Having minds of our own, Some of the things that I have learned is, when you are capped someone that is taking control of you and you have no way to stop it from control. That is why Will dose not want to be capped because Will dose not want someone to control him. Like if Will makes a mistake Will dose not want someone to fix those mistake he wants to fix his own mistake so that is why it is called " Having a mind of our own".

being able to make choices, Will would like to make to choice his own choices like he wants to be free from his family and he dose not like when someone choice his own choices and fix what he dose wrong.

being free, Will would love to be free from the tripods and not to be capped. Also he would like to be free from he own family from choice what he is going to do with his life and Will dose not want people to control him.

trust, Will would like to trust him friends and his family. Plus when he is gone on his trip he met Beanpole to she if he is a good guy and he can trust him with Wills life. That is why Will can not just trust anybody.

companionship, When Will and Henry and Beanpole are all going to the White Mountains Will thinks that the friends that he has met he thinks the friends that Will has made they have good friendship.

friends, The friends that Will has made he thinks he can trust them and he thinks that Will has a good friendship with Henry and Beanpole.

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