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Monday, February 7, 2011

Tatyana's City Connections Reflection

1. I think I did well on researching the information about Houston on the Internet and getting pictures about it's early history that I did not know very well.

The information told me a lot about Houston that I was able to put onto slides so the students in class would learn about my city. I did not know that Houston has a lot of oil and is the center in Texas where all the oil is made into useful products that we use everyday. One example of this is the gas we put into our cars. The place they do this is called a refinery. I also did not know that General Sam Houston accepts surrender form General Santa Ana at San Jacinto giving Texas Independence.

2. My bullet points were quite long and I should have done shorter bullet points to make it shorter. I could also have improved by having more sources of where I got all my information and pictures. I should have also have wrote down an introduction so the class could get a little idea about Houston before I started the power point. During my power point I did not have to read off the paper. I could have practiced more and not mumbled so much.

3. I learned that Houston is a much lager city than I thought it was. I also did not know that their were so many people in Houston and their was a big population of girls and boys. In Houston the population is 2,257,926 people. The Median age: 30.9 years and the Texas median age is 32.3 years. That may change in a few years. Farming is also important and as the population increases in the country they will need to continue to farm. Farming may get easier as the machinery gets better and more advanced. Oil and gas will continue to be the bread and butter of the Houston area at least for the near future.

4 I worked pretty hard an I did a pretty good job. I think I could always do better but over all I am pleased with my work. I hope the students in class enjoyed it as much as I did. One day I hope I could go back to Houston and see how much it has change and what has improved on all the buildings they have been working on for a long time. I could see all my friends and see how much they have change since I have seen them. I would also want to know if I would be moving back soon that would be so much fun because I would got to see all my friends and family and get to do lots that I have not done for a long time.

1 comment:

  1. Great Job!! I totally agree with your reflection! :)
