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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Tatyana Germany 1918-1933

Consider the first stage of our unit of study on Nazi Germany. For this blog post consider the following prompt and respond:

What conditions were present that allowed Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party to take control of Germany in 1933?
This event " The Nazi party gains 33% of vote. Weimar Government decides to appoint Hitler chancellor". Germany was in chaos trying to recover their lost of world war one. The Government had no money because they were paying for all the damage they made in world war one. Hitler was in prison because he did some bad things. When Hitler was in prison he wrote "Mein Kampf". Hitler was in prison because he did bad things. Hitler came to Germany and started the Nazi party. It shows that Hitler gained higher authority he can order people around, He could speak up his ideas and no one could tell him what to say or what do, More people would know who he was.
My other event: " A worldwide depression as the markets " crash" Hitler sees this as a great opportunity". I chose this event because the markest went down and lost a lot of percent so Hitler had his chance to get more power and he would take control of Germany. With the weakness of the money and the crash of the world economy, everyone was in bad shape the Germans and the Jews. Hitler saw this chance to take control by saying "Ill make everything better, ill fix this,"

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