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Monday, February 27, 2012

In memory to my mother

The poem I chose was "In memory to my mother". I just took some important parts about the poem that was about he mother. For an example on the top of the poem it saids Where is your grave? Where did you dit? why did you go away? why did you leave your little girl that rainy autumn day?. I though that was when Sonia Weitz was asking her these questions about her mother and what happend to her. Also she was giving a description about what colour her mother's eyes were, their was a little mood their when it said " So mild". I thought that was a mood to me. Also their were some smilies in their too for an example " Face was white and silent like a stone". Their was a lot of moods I thought I saw in the poem and not so much smilies in their but I thought those were my important annotations I found in the poem and thought it was important. In some of the parts of the poem I thought it was sad but all of the poem was very sad and a little happy because the sad part was when Sonia Weitz was a little girl during the Holocaust she had to leave her mom and when her family past away she had wrote a poem and this is the blog I am doing about her poem. Also the sad thing was that when she was little she did not get to see her mom no more and back then she had to travel alone in a box cars. That is what they called it back then when they did not have no chairs to sit in. Also they were put in a concentrated campe. When she saw he mother die she was suffering though the pain. But the happy part about he poem was that it was good that she remembers a lot about her mother and ever little detail. Also she was happy that her sister and her self lived though the Holocaust and she gets to tell us all about what she lived though and what she had to see and what she had to suffer. So this poem it happy and sad but I thought it was a good poem and I am glad that I chose it and it cough me one when she was remember her mother and she lived so she could tell every one what she lived though and she was still alive that she could right a poem about her mother so she could remember her always. So that was a good poem to read and I was happy to read it and see and read with my own eyes what she had to live though.

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