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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Mysterious Major

The Mysterious Major
What did Schmahling mean when he said that in crushing the boy in his classroom, he was destroying something in himself? What was he destroying? How was it like what the Nazis were destroying in the people they ruled?

What was he destroying? Schmahling was destroying was the moment of sunlight in the little boys life. That means he was destroying the good in the boy and the good things that will happen to him in the future .Also he was having a good day intill the teacher told him to sit down then the boy lost his happy day thought.

What did Schmahling mean when he said that in crushing the boy in his classroom, he was destroying something in himself?
When the teacher yelled at the little boy she crushed the spriet of the boy of letting out his feelings and opinions and that made the boy stop talking in class. Also the teacher hurt himself by tell off the boy and when he did that the boy stopped talking and giving his thoughts and the teacher vowed that he would never yell at anybody again. Also when he yelled at he boy he destroyed the spriet and the sunlight meaning the good thoughts in the boys mind were gone when the teacher yelled at the boy in class. That is why the teacher vowed to himself that he would never yell at anybody because he hated yelling at the boy and taking away the boys happy thoughts.

How was it like what the Nazis were destroying in the people they ruled?
They would take away their jobs and when they have no jobs they don't have no money and when they have no money they will go hungry and probably die. Also if they do live some were they will lose their homes because they have no money to pay the rent. So when they are poor and have no where to go the Nazis will bring them to the consternated camp to work. When they are healthy they will be put to labor( hard work). But when they are sick( handy cap and sick) they will shoot them or gas them.

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