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Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Starter: Green
First example: Orange
Second example: Blue

This is the one I would like to do is Standing up to oppression takes great individual courage.

It does take a lot of courage to stand up to someone is in a higher rank or has more power then you. For an example Rosa Parks she was standing up for what she believe in like back then they would have a special place on the bus for black people. But Rosa had enough of White people telling her what to do and where to sit just because she was black. One day when Rosa was sitting in a White persons sit she would not get up and when the White person got on the bus he or she told Rosa to get up you are in my seat. But Rosa would not get up just because she was tired of people telling what to do just of her skin color. I did not tell you this before I should have but Rosa was not just standing up for her self she was standing up for all of the Black people. Rose told the White person "Why should I get up and move to the back of the bus?" She was trying to stand up for her at that point. The sad thing that happened was that Rosa got arrested for not going to the back of the bus because back in that time it was a law that the black people had to sit in the back of the bus and the white had to stay as far as they could from the black people like Rosa. The nice thing that happened is that everybody heard Rosa stand up for all of the black people and in this time it is not a rule black have to sit in the back now it is a free county. Another example from the middle ages is Jon Ball was standing up from the poll tax people because he was confuse why did the villages people had to pay and be in slaved and why did they have to give the poll tax their money and every time they ask the poll tax would be raising up the price it would first be like 2 shillings then when they keep asking why why do we have to pay then the king or the poll tax would raise it up to 4 shillings and that is a lot for the villages people 2 is hard already. But Jon Ball was standing up for everyone to save their money and their lives I guess. Thomas Baker and Jon Ball started the Rebellion together because when Jon Ball was standing up to the Poll Tax people they started the rebellion but just trying to stand up for everyone. I guess?.

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