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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

blog post 9

1. I think it is better working with a partner then by your self.So when you are with your partner you would give each other ideas to make your lit circle better. When you have an partner you can tell each other comments and help then to understand  how to make your lit circle better and you get a chance to get lots of comments from each other and it is okay to make some mistakes in your story.

2. The obstacle that I had to overcome when doing the literature circles was when I had to make the questions more difficult. I have a hard time trying to make a person think more critically about something. My questions are usually just simple recall type question. For example I would ask someone what color was the car that Jacob road in? Instead I should have asked why did they paint the car the color of a zebra? I need to sit down with someone and talk in more detail before I come up with a good question. I will try to do this more.

3. I did gain some new understandings in the novel. I thought that the car that was painted the color of a zebra was because the owner of the car liked zebras and wanted to make a cute car to drive. Instead I learned that in order to get close to the animals and help make them more comfortable with you that if you paint your vehicle you can get close to them and they won't show as much fear. This sounds smart to me.

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