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Friday, March 22, 2013

Making the Invisible Visible

HIVAdis in malaysia is something I haven though about. The invisible problem such as discrimination and stigma associated with HIV Adis. first of all the ishouse to pevent speding HIV Adis,how to change the perspective of poeple that have Adis to rase awareness . This is important because it gives us and understanding of peoples suffering who have HIV. We have learned that we can pervent to be more aware of HIV Aids in the Cumminty. We have learned how to suporte young kids that can get HIV for example though breastfeeding and blood transfustiotion. The most important part that we have learned was the impact  women and childern as fastest growning group, for example men are haveing affairs and giving HIV to their kids. This shows that we can make a difference and prevent HIV spreading to Women and there kids. We can do something about HIV and we can find away to help out the people and stop discrimination. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Dictators are people who have total control over any country. Many have a negative influence over their people and their country for example in Russia President Putin took away 3 young girls to jail because they were just expressing their feels about Putin Government and rules, this is an example of taking away their rights to speek out. There are many ways taking out a dictator one of those many ways are protesting just like Pussy Riot did performing on the steps of the Kremlin. Protesting was not the best for them because they went to jail but their voice was heard by many people though the Press. Another way to take out a dictator is by assassination, for example in Julius Casear when the conspirators got together and planed out how they should kill Casear they disquieted to assassinate him, it worked in away that they got rid of a abusive power freak but civil war broke out. Lastly how to get rid of a dictator could be though embargo which means getting people from the outside world and the inside to agree to go up against a powerful leader.