What is Chaeli Mycroft fighting for?
Just because the disabled people in our world can’t do lots of things that does not mean that they are not capable of having a fulfilling life. Born with cerebral palsy, Chaeli Mycroft is an amazing young girl from South Africa who won the International Peace Prize in 2011 for the incredible work she has done for disabled kids who need equipment and the helping hand of technology. So far she has helped over 3000 disabled kids in South Africa today to improve their lives so they can experience a better life. Chaeli understands how they feel as she was born disabled so she knows how difficult it is for other disabled kids to move around and to live life the way they want to. Chaeli is inspired to fight for the rights of disabled kids. She works to inspire other disabled kids to create their own community program to help other disabled kids, this is what she is fighting for.
Chaeli is fighting to inspire other kids to set up their own community program so they can help other disabled kids and themselves.
Chaeli felt independent and free when she got her first motorized wheelchair at the age of 9. In a short period of time they received more than their goal. Chalie wanted to give disabled children the equipment and the ability to move around, so they could have the same freedom, just like Chaeli had. "At the age of 9, Chaeli and her friends and sister started a project to raise money to buy a motorized wheelchair for Chaeli. In just seven weeks they raised more than enough money, so Chaeli decided to help more disabled children"
Because of her own experience of raising money with her own friends and sister she was inspired to set up a network community of children between 12-14 years of age as a way to spread the message of believing in yourself and doing this for others.
Chaeli’s community has become an organisation and spread all over South Africa. In the article it says of her organisation, "This project has become the Chaeli Campaign, a professional organization that annually helps more than 3000 children with disabilities in South Africa with equipment, physical therapy and which defends the rights and acceptance of disabled children.
She did this all because her friends helped her to make and sell postcards and flowerpots to get the money to get her first motorized wheelchair. It was out of this that the Chaeli Campaign began.When Chaeli got her first motorized wheelchair she felt independent and free. She wanted to give this opportunity to other kids who have disabilities.
Chaeli’s and her friends efforts to raise money for her own wheelchair has inspired many other kids in her situation to believe in themselves and create their own community so they can also make a difference to the lives of other disabled kids.
Chaeli’s vision has been inspirational to others especially for the disabled kids in South Africa who have much more freedom because of the equipment she helped them get through her campaign. She has made a difference to the lives of these children who otherwise wouldn’t have the ability to move around freely. She has inspired many more South African disabled kids to create their own community program who were so glad to have Chaeli give a hand.Chaeli has made a difference by fighting to inspire other disabled kids to set up their own community and fighting for the rights of disabled children. The Chaeli campaign has grown a lot through this. Disabled kids in South Africa now have ways to fight for their own rights by joining or making a community program. This has given these kids greater motivation and an opportunity to lift themselves and others out of their way of living. It is important to her that disabled kids are treated no differently to non-disabled kids and that they are not made fun of and left behind to struggle on their own. If we also play our part in all of this, then a world for disabled kids can be better with more opportunities. Chaili is an inspiration to all of us. We need to open our hearts and start to listen to the kids dreams and make a change. Let’s make a difference by standing up and doing the right thing.
1.Source- The article http://www.kidsrights.org/InternationalChildrensPeacePrize/Winners.aspx
. Source: http://www.kidsrights.org/InternationalChildrensPeacePrize/Winners.aspx
The youtube link
2.Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24zQ13hQfKI&feature=youtu.be