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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Mysterious Major

The Mysterious Major
What did Schmahling mean when he said that in crushing the boy in his classroom, he was destroying something in himself? What was he destroying? How was it like what the Nazis were destroying in the people they ruled?

What was he destroying? Schmahling was destroying was the moment of sunlight in the little boys life. That means he was destroying the good in the boy and the good things that will happen to him in the future .Also he was having a good day intill the teacher told him to sit down then the boy lost his happy day thought.

What did Schmahling mean when he said that in crushing the boy in his classroom, he was destroying something in himself?
When the teacher yelled at the little boy she crushed the spriet of the boy of letting out his feelings and opinions and that made the boy stop talking in class. Also the teacher hurt himself by tell off the boy and when he did that the boy stopped talking and giving his thoughts and the teacher vowed that he would never yell at anybody again. Also when he yelled at he boy he destroyed the spriet and the sunlight meaning the good thoughts in the boys mind were gone when the teacher yelled at the boy in class. That is why the teacher vowed to himself that he would never yell at anybody because he hated yelling at the boy and taking away the boys happy thoughts.

How was it like what the Nazis were destroying in the people they ruled?
They would take away their jobs and when they have no jobs they don't have no money and when they have no money they will go hungry and probably die. Also if they do live some were they will lose their homes because they have no money to pay the rent. So when they are poor and have no where to go the Nazis will bring them to the consternated camp to work. When they are healthy they will be put to labor( hard work). But when they are sick( handy cap and sick) they will shoot them or gas them.

Monday, February 27, 2012

In memory to my mother

The poem I chose was "In memory to my mother". I just took some important parts about the poem that was about he mother. For an example on the top of the poem it saids Where is your grave? Where did you dit? why did you go away? why did you leave your little girl that rainy autumn day?. I though that was when Sonia Weitz was asking her these questions about her mother and what happend to her. Also she was giving a description about what colour her mother's eyes were, their was a little mood their when it said " So mild". I thought that was a mood to me. Also their were some smilies in their too for an example " Face was white and silent like a stone". Their was a lot of moods I thought I saw in the poem and not so much smilies in their but I thought those were my important annotations I found in the poem and thought it was important. In some of the parts of the poem I thought it was sad but all of the poem was very sad and a little happy because the sad part was when Sonia Weitz was a little girl during the Holocaust she had to leave her mom and when her family past away she had wrote a poem and this is the blog I am doing about her poem. Also the sad thing was that when she was little she did not get to see her mom no more and back then she had to travel alone in a box cars. That is what they called it back then when they did not have no chairs to sit in. Also they were put in a concentrated campe. When she saw he mother die she was suffering though the pain. But the happy part about he poem was that it was good that she remembers a lot about her mother and ever little detail. Also she was happy that her sister and her self lived though the Holocaust and she gets to tell us all about what she lived though and what she had to see and what she had to suffer. So this poem it happy and sad but I thought it was a good poem and I am glad that I chose it and it cough me one when she was remember her mother and she lived so she could tell every one what she lived though and she was still alive that she could right a poem about her mother so she could remember her always. So that was a good poem to read and I was happy to read it and see and read with my own eyes what she had to live though.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Tatyana Germany 1918-1933

Consider the first stage of our unit of study on Nazi Germany. For this blog post consider the following prompt and respond:

What conditions were present that allowed Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party to take control of Germany in 1933?
This event " The Nazi party gains 33% of vote. Weimar Government decides to appoint Hitler chancellor". Germany was in chaos trying to recover their lost of world war one. The Government had no money because they were paying for all the damage they made in world war one. Hitler was in prison because he did some bad things. When Hitler was in prison he wrote "Mein Kampf". Hitler was in prison because he did bad things. Hitler came to Germany and started the Nazi party. It shows that Hitler gained higher authority he can order people around, He could speak up his ideas and no one could tell him what to say or what do, More people would know who he was.
My other event: " A worldwide depression as the markets " crash" Hitler sees this as a great opportunity". I chose this event because the markest went down and lost a lot of percent so Hitler had his chance to get more power and he would take control of Germany. With the weakness of the money and the crash of the world economy, everyone was in bad shape the Germans and the Jews. Hitler saw this chance to take control by saying "Ill make everything better, ill fix this,"

Monday, February 13, 2012

1. What are Civil
Civil Rights are all people should expect in a civilized
society. Also they are a persons
personal rights that is guaranteed and protected by the US Constitution and the federal laws enacted of Congress.

3. What are some that we have?

  • freedom of speech
  • The right to vote
  • equal protection of the laws
  • protection from unlawful discrimination.
  • Freedom of Religion
Miranda Rights: You have the right to remain silent and You have the right to an attorney and If you can't afford one, then one will be appointed to you and anything you say can and will be used against you.

2. Why might some of Hitler's measures in
abolishing personal freedoms and Civil Rights be seen by some as a
positive, or necessary move?

Some people may have thought
abolishing personal freedoms in that time maintained order where people
were poor and starving. The people were stealing food and money and
other rich people who got robbed thought

Restrictive Laws in Nazi Germany

The Nuremberg Laws. In 1935 a series of laws were introduced which further restricted the civil rights and personal freedoms of Jews. Upon reading the information provided on the link, answer these questions:

1. Who could now be defined as a "Jew"?
Instead a Jew was defined as a person who had three or four Jewish grandparents regardless of whether that individual belonged to the Jewish religious community.

2.What was meant by "Aryanizing" Jewish Businesses?
Aryanizing means that the works and managers were fired form their job, the businesses was taken over by none Jewish people were given given businesses for bargain prices.
3. How were Jews who were professionals (lawyers, doctors etc.) restricted?]
Jewish doctors were not allowed to heal no-Jews and the Jewish lawyers were not allowed to practice law on no-Jews.

4. What did Jewis
h identity cards need to include now?
They need to include a the letter "J" and Males had to have Israel and the Females had to have Sara that would be their new middle name for Male and Female. Also the cards allowed the police to identify the Jews easily.

5. What was the "Law for the Protection of the Hereditary Health of the German People" (sum up in your own words)?
The law was about anyone who wanted to get marry had to have a certificate to marry, but if you were not of German blood you could not get marred and could not get a certificate.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Targeting the Communists and other Political Parties.

Hitler Takes Control: Targeting the Communists and other Political Parties

1. What are Civil Rights?
Civil Rights are all people should expect in a civilized society. Also they are a persons
personal rights that is guaranteed and protected by the US Constitution and the federal laws enacted of Congress.

3. What are some that we have?

  • freedom of speech
  • The right to vote
  • equal protection of the laws
  • protection from unlawful discrimination.
  • Freedom of Religion
Miranda Rights: You have the right to remain silent and You have the right to an attorney and If you can't afford one, then one will be appointed to you and anything you say can and will be used against you.

2. Why might some of Hitler's measures in abolishing personal freedoms and Civil Rights be seen by some as a positive, or necessary move?

Some people may have thought abolishing personal freedoms in that time maintained order where people were poor and starving. The people were stealing food and money and other rich people who got robbed thought it was a good thing for them because it may have prevented them from getting robbed no more.