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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What is Chaeli Mycroft Fighting for?

What is Chaeli Mycroft fighting for?

Just because the disabled people in our world can’t do lots of things that does not mean that they are not capable of having a fulfilling life. Born with cerebral palsy, Chaeli Mycroft is an amazing young girl from South Africa who won the International Peace Prize in 2011 for the incredible work she has done for disabled kids who need equipment and the helping hand of technology. So far she has helped over 3000 disabled kids in South Africa today to improve their lives so they can experience a better life. Chaeli understands how they feel as she was born disabled so she knows how difficult it is for other disabled kids to move around and to live  life the way they want to. Chaeli is inspired to fight for the rights of disabled kids. She works to inspire other disabled kids to create their own community program to help other disabled kids, this is what she is fighting for.

Chaeli is fighting to inspire other kids to set up their own community program so they can help other disabled kids and themselves.
Chaeli felt independent and free when she got her first motorized wheelchair at the age of 9. In a short period of time they received more than their goal. Chalie wanted to give disabled children the equipment and the ability to  move around, so they could have the same freedom, just like Chaeli had.  "At the age of 9, Chaeli and her friends and sister started a project to raise money to buy a motorized wheelchair for Chaeli. In just seven weeks they raised more than enough money, so Chaeli decided to help more disabled children"
Because of her own experience of raising  money with her own friends and sister she was inspired to set up a network community of children between 12-14 years of age as a way to spread the message of believing in yourself and doing this for others. 
Chaeli’s community has become an organisation and spread all over South Africa. In the article it says of her organisation, "This project has become the Chaeli Campaign, a professional organization that annually helps more than 3000 children with disabilities in South Africa with equipment, physical therapy and which defends the rights and acceptance of disabled children.

She did this all because her friends helped her to make and sell postcards and flowerpots to get the money to get her first motorized wheelchair. It was out of this that the Chaeli Campaign began.When Chaeli got her first motorized wheelchair she felt independent and free. She wanted to give this opportunity to other kids who have disabilities.
Chaeli’s and her friends efforts to raise money for her own wheelchair has inspired many other kids in her situation to believe in themselves and create their own community so they can also make a difference to the lives of other disabled kids.

Chaeli’s vision has been inspirational to others especially for the disabled kids in South Africa who have much more freedom because of the equipment she helped them get through her campaign. She has made a difference to the lives of these children who otherwise wouldn’t have the ability to move around freely. She has inspired many more South African disabled kids to create their own community program who were so glad to have Chaeli give a hand.Chaeli has made a difference by fighting to inspire other disabled kids to set up their own community and fighting for the rights of disabled children. The Chaeli campaign has grown a lot through this. Disabled kids in South Africa now have ways to fight for their own rights by joining or making a community program. This has given these kids greater motivation and an opportunity to lift themselves and others out of their way of living. It is important to her that disabled kids are treated no differently to non-disabled kids and that they are not made fun of and left behind to struggle on their own. If we also play our part in all of this, then a world for disabled kids can be better with more opportunities. Chaili is an inspiration to all of us. We need to open our hearts and start to listen to the kids dreams and make a change. Let’s make a difference by standing up and doing the right thing.

1.Source- The article
. Source:

The youtube link

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Tatyana Harrison Bergeron: Commentary

 C: we have to be careful about commentary today because sometimes we may take it a bit too far on making people equal to the point were we loose the butiey  of our differences.
E: They were burdened with sashweights and bags of birdshot, and their faces were masked, so that no one, seeing a free and graceful gesture or a pretty face, would feel like something the cat drug in. But he didn't get very far with it before another noise in his ear radio scattered his thoughts.
I: In this quote Gorge knows that he is missing out on the beauty of the dancers just because of his handicaps that make him not process his ideas and thoughts.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

2 Poems

1 Poem

My life and my Friends.

I am from tall grass

And shady trees
Where I ride the golf cart until the battery dies.
I am from where mama calls baby girl time to eat

I am from where "Howdy y’all", means good morning or "how are ya".
I am from cow parade to Texas chilli.
I am from walking on the big hay bales in Crosby

I am from hay raids and caroling on Christmas eve
Dashing through the snow.
Where I ride or drive my Poppo's big golf cart.
I am from were my grandfathers sandstone inlaid into a gold ring passed down to me when he passed away.

I am from big fields driving my grandpas big truck
Where I drive the tractor with my daddy behind me.
I am from where my daddy taught me how to shoot a beebee gun
And were cousin Karl showed me how to aim right at the target.

I am from where a dear friend calls "hey sweetie", to greet me in the morning. That was out thing.
These are my sweet jelly bean moments.

2 Poem

All about me.

Blue eyes, brown hair, short
A blue hair tie, panther face on my shirt
Two earrings shaped like peace signs with the colors all gone.
Use to be a cheerleader called the Ravens, volleyball player on the ISKL team.
Have blue, white, lemon green inside and outside of my shoes.

Have a smaller pinky than a lot of my friends, adopted from Russia.
Part Russian and part American, Go to ISKL.
Live in Malaysia, use to live in Houston Texas, when I was little I use to live back in Russia.

Love to travel. My dream is to travel around the world once.
I am a PADI Diver, love to see my friends back home, love to go to the beach and spend my days with My family. My favorite team are the Texas Longhorns( Football team), My other favorite team are the Astros, (baseball team), have a huge family, my favorite TV show would be The Three Stooges ( Black And White, the new color movie one).

Hate monkeys but love to see them at the zoo behind bars.
Have a collection of wooden eggs, wear a uniform for my school kind of like it, love ISKL. Love to go to Schlitterbahn. Nothing I have in my pockets for now.


Is a personal identity worth fighting for?
Yes because you are protecting who you are. We have our right to stand up for are self's and others. for an example we have to right to vote, speech, and more. if we had no identity we would not even be humans. in our society we need our identity to fine how are friends are or find out who we are even.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Starter: Green
First example: Orange
Second example: Blue

This is the one I would like to do is Standing up to oppression takes great individual courage.

It does take a lot of courage to stand up to someone is in a higher rank or has more power then you. For an example Rosa Parks she was standing up for what she believe in like back then they would have a special place on the bus for black people. But Rosa had enough of White people telling her what to do and where to sit just because she was black. One day when Rosa was sitting in a White persons sit she would not get up and when the White person got on the bus he or she told Rosa to get up you are in my seat. But Rosa would not get up just because she was tired of people telling what to do just of her skin color. I did not tell you this before I should have but Rosa was not just standing up for her self she was standing up for all of the Black people. Rose told the White person "Why should I get up and move to the back of the bus?" She was trying to stand up for her at that point. The sad thing that happened was that Rosa got arrested for not going to the back of the bus because back in that time it was a law that the black people had to sit in the back of the bus and the white had to stay as far as they could from the black people like Rosa. The nice thing that happened is that everybody heard Rosa stand up for all of the black people and in this time it is not a rule black have to sit in the back now it is a free county. Another example from the middle ages is Jon Ball was standing up from the poll tax people because he was confuse why did the villages people had to pay and be in slaved and why did they have to give the poll tax their money and every time they ask the poll tax would be raising up the price it would first be like 2 shillings then when they keep asking why why do we have to pay then the king or the poll tax would raise it up to 4 shillings and that is a lot for the villages people 2 is hard already. But Jon Ball was standing up for everyone to save their money and their lives I guess. Thomas Baker and Jon Ball started the Rebellion together because when Jon Ball was standing up to the Poll Tax people they started the rebellion but just trying to stand up for everyone. I guess?.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Tatyana 1066

Now, we know who became King of England after the Battles of Stamford Bridge and Hastings in 1066, but
who do you think had the strongest claim?Harald Hardrada, Harold Godwinson or William of Normandy?

 In 1066 there were 3 kings that wanted to take over England but only one king could do that. All of the kings were battling to see who could be the the ruler of England. The king I thought that had the strongest was William of Normandy because he had the Pope on his side and that was very good because the Pope can guide William in the right direction he needs to be. The only reason William was king of Normandy because he was noble, strong about what he needed to do, of course he was strong. William only got to be king of Normandy of lying but in the inside he is a good man. Sooner or latter he got to be William the conqueror of England. William knew what he had good ideas about how to be king of Normandy and made his way up to be the conqueror of England. Also the other kings were trying to be the conqueror of England but William had a better and stronger ideas of being king. Well I am not sure why William had better and stronger ideas but he won the battle and that's good to me. Alos he got to be the king of Normandy and the conqueror of England. That is who I think had the strongest claim and of course I told you why. That's my opinion what is yours? 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My little story by Tatyana

Think about a time you witnessed bullying/ostracism/peer pressure/exclusion/discrimination/violence. How did you respond?
When I was in Houston, TX. in my old school, my friend and I were playing during lunch. There was this girl named Wanda and she just wanted to play with me and only me and not my friend Arianne. Wanda did not like her so much. Every time I was hanging out with Arianne or my other friends Wanda would come near us and pull me away from Arianne. I knew that was going to upset her a little but at first Arianne was a little confused so she just hung out with her other friends. One day I left class and heard Wanda telling Arianne, " You better stay away form Tatyana because she is my friend and no one can be her friend especially you" Arianne said " Why can't we be both be friends together?" Wanda says, " I just want to be Tatyana's friend only hers!" When I heard that going on I first thought that Wanda was telling Arianne that Wanda want's to be my friend only and Arianne said " Why can't we both be her friend". Right away I knew that Wanda wanted to ostracize my best friend Arianne so I knew that I had to do something and so I did. I was going to tell my other friends what was happening and when that did not work at all I when straight to the teacher and told her what was going on. The teacher went outside to the playground to where Wanda and Arianne were and the first thing that came out of Wanda's mouth was " you got the teacher and your told on me I thought you are suppose to be my friend". When I looked at Wanda I felt very bad and I thought I was a tattle tale. My teacher told me to not say that to my self. She said that I did the right thing to tell her what was going on. So me and Arianne went on playing for the day and finish school for the day too. If Wanda got to know Arianne more maybe Wanda would like Arianne and then we can all be the best's of friends and all of this fighting and the ostracism would not happen and we would be friends and have an awesome day at school.
How do you wish you had responded?
I wish I would have done things differently by telling the teacher and not trying to handle it myself. Also, I would of course stand up for Arianne and tell Wanda to not say mean things to my friend. Wanda is making me choose between Arianne or Wanda but I can't do that so I would love to choose both. That is what I should have said to Wanda and maybe Wanda would like Arianne and get to know her. It all worked at the end and Wanda and Arianne and I became the best of friends. All you have to do if that happens to you and your friend you just need to do is to invite them into your little group and they will warm up to your friend and then all of you guys will be friends forever hopefully. That worked for Arianne and Wanda and I. We had our little fights but it all worked out all right and we all became the best of friends your have ever seen. That is a couple of things that I would like to change.

What stopped you from responding that way?
I wish I would have got the teacher first because they have more control and often others will not listen to me because I am just a kid. I also didn't want to be considered a tattletale and then others would bug me and I didn't want that.

Respond to the questions below
1.Where have we seen examples of bullying/ostracism/exclusion occurring in texts studied so far this year- factual as well as fictional?

The In-Group
Watch the video clip below
Eve S: The In Group

1.Select one line/phrase/group of sentences that are significant to you. Explain why.

" I sat down and laughing till my sides hurt heard my voice finally blend with the others". I chose this because she was also making fun of another person even though she knew what it was like to be made fun of. She wanted to fit in.

To think about:
How is ostracism different from other forms of bullying? When does ostracizing or excluding someone from a group become part of bullying?

1.What’s familiar about the incident Eve describes?
I have also lived that moment when I have laughed at someone when I tried to fit in with others.

2.What surprised you?
I was kind of shocked to see that she also laughed along with them. I thought because of how she felt that she would have not gone along with the group.

3. How does Eve’s story relate to bullying? Was she bullied? Did she bully? How would you explain her behavior?( perpetrator/bystander/victim?). make sure you justify( back up your answer.

Yes, it does relate to bullying. She made fun of the other girl just like the others did. I feel she did this to fit in. She was afraid that maybe they would turn again on her. She was a bystander even though she did get involved.

Psychologists Michael Thompson and Lawrence Cohen point to the powerful influence of peer groups in guiding our behavior: ‘We all know that groups can go terribly astray in terms of their moral reasoning. Everyone not in the group can be considered an outsider, a legitimate target…It affects every group because we are all prone to that feeling of us versus them and the idea that if you’re not with us you’re against us. Speaking out against a risky, immoral or illegal decision is hard to do because that makes you an outsider yourself’.

4.How did Eve’s need to belong affect the way she responded when another girl was being mocked? Why does her response still trouble her? How do you like to think you would have responded to the incident?

She wanted to fit in and went along with the group. She was more concerned about fitting in than whether it was right or wrong. On reflection she new it was wrong but her need to fit in had overpowered her. I hope I would have not laughed and been strong enough to not get involved.

5. Eve concludes “Often being accepted by others is more satisfying than being accepted by oneself, even though the satisfaction does not last.’ What does she mean?
Initially it feels good and at the time seems right but when you stop and think clearly about it you realize it was wrong.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Mysterious Major

The Mysterious Major
What did Schmahling mean when he said that in crushing the boy in his classroom, he was destroying something in himself? What was he destroying? How was it like what the Nazis were destroying in the people they ruled?

What was he destroying? Schmahling was destroying was the moment of sunlight in the little boys life. That means he was destroying the good in the boy and the good things that will happen to him in the future .Also he was having a good day intill the teacher told him to sit down then the boy lost his happy day thought.

What did Schmahling mean when he said that in crushing the boy in his classroom, he was destroying something in himself?
When the teacher yelled at the little boy she crushed the spriet of the boy of letting out his feelings and opinions and that made the boy stop talking in class. Also the teacher hurt himself by tell off the boy and when he did that the boy stopped talking and giving his thoughts and the teacher vowed that he would never yell at anybody again. Also when he yelled at he boy he destroyed the spriet and the sunlight meaning the good thoughts in the boys mind were gone when the teacher yelled at the boy in class. That is why the teacher vowed to himself that he would never yell at anybody because he hated yelling at the boy and taking away the boys happy thoughts.

How was it like what the Nazis were destroying in the people they ruled?
They would take away their jobs and when they have no jobs they don't have no money and when they have no money they will go hungry and probably die. Also if they do live some were they will lose their homes because they have no money to pay the rent. So when they are poor and have no where to go the Nazis will bring them to the consternated camp to work. When they are healthy they will be put to labor( hard work). But when they are sick( handy cap and sick) they will shoot them or gas them.

Monday, February 27, 2012

In memory to my mother

The poem I chose was "In memory to my mother". I just took some important parts about the poem that was about he mother. For an example on the top of the poem it saids Where is your grave? Where did you dit? why did you go away? why did you leave your little girl that rainy autumn day?. I though that was when Sonia Weitz was asking her these questions about her mother and what happend to her. Also she was giving a description about what colour her mother's eyes were, their was a little mood their when it said " So mild". I thought that was a mood to me. Also their were some smilies in their too for an example " Face was white and silent like a stone". Their was a lot of moods I thought I saw in the poem and not so much smilies in their but I thought those were my important annotations I found in the poem and thought it was important. In some of the parts of the poem I thought it was sad but all of the poem was very sad and a little happy because the sad part was when Sonia Weitz was a little girl during the Holocaust she had to leave her mom and when her family past away she had wrote a poem and this is the blog I am doing about her poem. Also the sad thing was that when she was little she did not get to see her mom no more and back then she had to travel alone in a box cars. That is what they called it back then when they did not have no chairs to sit in. Also they were put in a concentrated campe. When she saw he mother die she was suffering though the pain. But the happy part about he poem was that it was good that she remembers a lot about her mother and ever little detail. Also she was happy that her sister and her self lived though the Holocaust and she gets to tell us all about what she lived though and what she had to see and what she had to suffer. So this poem it happy and sad but I thought it was a good poem and I am glad that I chose it and it cough me one when she was remember her mother and she lived so she could tell every one what she lived though and she was still alive that she could right a poem about her mother so she could remember her always. So that was a good poem to read and I was happy to read it and see and read with my own eyes what she had to live though.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Tatyana Germany 1918-1933

Consider the first stage of our unit of study on Nazi Germany. For this blog post consider the following prompt and respond:

What conditions were present that allowed Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party to take control of Germany in 1933?
This event " The Nazi party gains 33% of vote. Weimar Government decides to appoint Hitler chancellor". Germany was in chaos trying to recover their lost of world war one. The Government had no money because they were paying for all the damage they made in world war one. Hitler was in prison because he did some bad things. When Hitler was in prison he wrote "Mein Kampf". Hitler was in prison because he did bad things. Hitler came to Germany and started the Nazi party. It shows that Hitler gained higher authority he can order people around, He could speak up his ideas and no one could tell him what to say or what do, More people would know who he was.
My other event: " A worldwide depression as the markets " crash" Hitler sees this as a great opportunity". I chose this event because the markest went down and lost a lot of percent so Hitler had his chance to get more power and he would take control of Germany. With the weakness of the money and the crash of the world economy, everyone was in bad shape the Germans and the Jews. Hitler saw this chance to take control by saying "Ill make everything better, ill fix this,"

Monday, February 13, 2012

1. What are Civil
Civil Rights are all people should expect in a civilized
society. Also they are a persons
personal rights that is guaranteed and protected by the US Constitution and the federal laws enacted of Congress.

3. What are some that we have?

  • freedom of speech
  • The right to vote
  • equal protection of the laws
  • protection from unlawful discrimination.
  • Freedom of Religion
Miranda Rights: You have the right to remain silent and You have the right to an attorney and If you can't afford one, then one will be appointed to you and anything you say can and will be used against you.

2. Why might some of Hitler's measures in
abolishing personal freedoms and Civil Rights be seen by some as a
positive, or necessary move?

Some people may have thought
abolishing personal freedoms in that time maintained order where people
were poor and starving. The people were stealing food and money and
other rich people who got robbed thought

Restrictive Laws in Nazi Germany

The Nuremberg Laws. In 1935 a series of laws were introduced which further restricted the civil rights and personal freedoms of Jews. Upon reading the information provided on the link, answer these questions:

1. Who could now be defined as a "Jew"?
Instead a Jew was defined as a person who had three or four Jewish grandparents regardless of whether that individual belonged to the Jewish religious community.

2.What was meant by "Aryanizing" Jewish Businesses?
Aryanizing means that the works and managers were fired form their job, the businesses was taken over by none Jewish people were given given businesses for bargain prices.
3. How were Jews who were professionals (lawyers, doctors etc.) restricted?]
Jewish doctors were not allowed to heal no-Jews and the Jewish lawyers were not allowed to practice law on no-Jews.

4. What did Jewis
h identity cards need to include now?
They need to include a the letter "J" and Males had to have Israel and the Females had to have Sara that would be their new middle name for Male and Female. Also the cards allowed the police to identify the Jews easily.

5. What was the "Law for the Protection of the Hereditary Health of the German People" (sum up in your own words)?
The law was about anyone who wanted to get marry had to have a certificate to marry, but if you were not of German blood you could not get marred and could not get a certificate.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Targeting the Communists and other Political Parties.

Hitler Takes Control: Targeting the Communists and other Political Parties

1. What are Civil Rights?
Civil Rights are all people should expect in a civilized society. Also they are a persons
personal rights that is guaranteed and protected by the US Constitution and the federal laws enacted of Congress.

3. What are some that we have?

  • freedom of speech
  • The right to vote
  • equal protection of the laws
  • protection from unlawful discrimination.
  • Freedom of Religion
Miranda Rights: You have the right to remain silent and You have the right to an attorney and If you can't afford one, then one will be appointed to you and anything you say can and will be used against you.

2. Why might some of Hitler's measures in abolishing personal freedoms and Civil Rights be seen by some as a positive, or necessary move?

Some people may have thought abolishing personal freedoms in that time maintained order where people were poor and starving. The people were stealing food and money and other rich people who got robbed thought it was a good thing for them because it may have prevented them from getting robbed no more.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Treaty of Versailles ( Germans and the countries battle)

I think it is fair because the Germans took something from all theses countries. Here are some examples were Germany took something like independence from Czechoslovakia and respect and also the independence of Austria. In the beginning it was fair for Germany but not fair for the countries he took from and those countries wanted to get Germany back by invading them and taking everything that Germany had and so that made Germany lose the war because they had nothing to invade those countries. How did the countries make Germany pay back what they did the countries by paying for all the damages they done to the civilian population and property Allied Governments the figure was latter set at $33 billion dollars. Germany surrenders all her rights and titles over her overseas
countries. So it was fair for the other countries because they made the Germans lose the war and they got back at Germany what they have done to them. That is what I think happen between the Germans and the other countries. It all was a little fair for the Germans and the other countries and it all turned out that the Germans lots the war just by the other countries making the Germans give up because of the Germans took things from the other countries and the countries had to get the Germans back and so they did by out smarting them by taking back what was theirs all along ( The other countries) that the Germans took. The countries took everything back and that is what I think happen between the Germans and all the countries. That is why I think it is fair for both the Germans and the other countries.